Sun, 28 November 2010
Rev. Jesse Brown preaching this week |
Sun, 28 November 2010
This week we have our Student Intern Justing Thornburgh giving his first ever Sermon at First Baptist Church of Chicago. |
Sat, 24 July 2010
As part of our Yearly Men's day Celebration we have with us Reverend Kenneth Phelps from the Concord Missionary Baptist Church of chicago. We give a special thanks to Reverend Phelps for giving to us of his time and timely message. |
Sun, 6 June 2010
This week for our Youth Day service we were graced with Rev. Eldrige Brown Jr. Sorry for the low quality of this recording we had a failure in one of our mic's. |
Wed, 19 May 2010
This weeks sermon is given by our student intern Annette Thornberg. She comes to us from the University of Chicago Dignity school and will be with us at First Baptist during her studies. |
Tue, 27 April 2010
Sermon from Sunday April 25th. |
Tue, 27 April 2010
Rev. Jesse M Browns Sermon from Sunday April 18th. |
Mon, 5 April 2010
Rev. Browns Easter Sunday Sermon. |
Mon, 15 March 2010
This week as part of Women's History Month Rev. Joanne Lindstrom talks to us about that first couple and what it means to our understanding of ourselves in the 21st Century. |
Sun, 7 March 2010
This being the last Sunday in February we have as our special Black History Month speaker Dr. David Daniels. |
Mon, 22 February 2010
Morning worship from First Baptist Chicago from Sunday February 22, 2010. |