Mon, 23 July 2007
Once again another year has gone by and we are again at our annual Mens Day. This year we are pleased to have as our guest speaker Reverend Paul Ford. Using as the bases of his sermon this week Reverend Ford reads from Luke 10:25-37. We all know the story of the Good Samaritan but do we ever stop to think about the robbers who the story tells us very little. Why indeed their actions were dastardly what drove them to rob and beat the man. How often have we passed by others who are sitting by the side of the road neglected and abandoned by society. Only when these unfortunate people are driven to acts of violence do we ever pay then any heed. Reverend Ford reminds us when we pass by our fellow man and fail to help them along, we are as complicit in their crimes as they are.. Thanks to everyone listening to our podcast. Please drop us a Note at or submit your comments here on the web page about anything you might hear in this ministry. We enjoy hearing your comments about our ministry or anything you might think of to improve this ministry. Again thank you all for listening and have a blessed week from the pastoral and technical staff at First Baptist Church of Chicago. |
Tue, 3 July 2007
This week we see that when the lord has a message he sees it gets out. With only minutes to prepare our student intern Mr Wesley Sun was pressed into the pulpit to give this weeks sermon. Thus this week Wesley preaches from Matthew 18:1-3. Where Jesus makes the statement that to enter the kingdom of heaven we all must be like children. He explores several ideas of what it's like to be children and makes the case that we as christians must always be on guard to protect those in our society that need protection as we too are never far from needing protection ourselves. Thanks to everyone listening to our podcast. Please drop us a Note at or submit your comments here on the web page about anything you might hear in this ministry. We enjoy hearing your comments about our ministry or anything you might think of to improve this ministry. Again thank you all for listening and have a blessed week from the pastoral and technical staff at First Baptist Church of Chicago. |